I would like to
JBoss 7.1 to use standalone-full.xml (instead of standalone.xml) at start up so that i can get the messaging capabilities of JBoss.
How can i achieve that. Do i need to do in command prompt. I am using eclipse keplon and configure jboss 7.1 on it. Can i directly configure above step on eclipse itself while staring Jboss 7.1.
Then i can Update standalone-full.xml to add the queue "testQueue14" which is used in MessagingMDBTest.java.
Here is what was configured in the jboss standalone-full.xml in its jms-destinations section:
<jms-queue name="destination">
<entry name="queue/testQueue14"/>
<entry name="java:jboss/exported/jms/queue/testQueue14"/>
please advice