I have a form which has five tabs. In one of the tabs(background.jsp) on change of a checkbox(be in checked or unchecked) I am trying to set the flag of (hasGenderChanged) in
jsp to true and use a request type to send it to my
java code.
Below is the code structure. I am getting an error which reads: Cannot find bean org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN in any scope in edit_Education.jsp. Below is the code structure. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Introduction.jsp has all the header tabs and at the end of it has
<template: get name='content-area'/>
On click of save button in this page I want to send if a check box has been changed during filling up a form. If changed want to send true to java component from JSP.
In edit_Education.jsp:
<template: insert template='education/Introduction.jsp'>
<logic:equal name="educationForm" property="selectedOption" value="0">
<template:put name='content-area' content='education/background.jsp'/>
<logic:equal name="educationForm" property="selectedOption" value="1">
<template:put name='content-area' content='education/eduqualification.jsp'/>
<logic:equal name="educationForm" property="selectedOption" value="2">
<template:put name='content-area' content='education/workexperience.jsp'/>
</template: insert
Since the forms on each tab are huge I want to trigger an action only if a checkbox has been checkbox in background.jsp
In background.jsp
Inside the html tags of a checkbox this is the function I have
function validate(){
<html:form action="/processEducationAction" target="CONTENT-AREA">
<html: hidden property="hasGenderChanged"/>
<input type="hidden" name="hasGenderChanged" value="" scope="request"/>
<html:checkbox property="selectOptions.selectGender" onchange="validate()"/>
<bean:message key="education.selectedOptions.label.selectGender"/>
In educationForm.java I have a boolean hasGenderChanged; variable and setters and getters for this.
I am not sure how this value, hasGenderChanged in background.jsp can be made accessable to in edit_Education.jsp.
Thanks in advance for the help.