So let's separate this into two parts - part (1) What other books are in the newly revamped developerworks series? Our goal there (my goal as series editor) is to focus on the biggest, hottest topics. At this point, we have a couple in the pipeline. There's a more detailed book on mobile development and
testing that is a little more concerned with tools and SDLC that is coming out soon (this year!) We're also looking at books in other hot topics related to this such as Cloud - we're hoping to have one (or more) out on IBM's cloud offerings come out soon. We're also in talks with authors about subjects like Big Data for later. Part (2) - what is the direct sequel to this book - there I'm working with an author team on planning for a "backend" book that would cover things like building applications based on messaging, and on building complex services. That would essentially be what was the second half of my old WebSphere book. That's still in planning.