posted 10 years ago
Hello everyone,
I had worked for a couple of time on developing some stuff working correctly on my home PC or to enter the main subject, on localhost like the chat program using (node, j's + mongodb + socket. Io). So now, when I try to make it on the internet (I have a web hoster) to enable every client who reaches my website the possibility to write text in seeing the chat box and all clients whose are on the same page will see that too.
I'm a little bit new with this sort of architecture, so please try to explain me which part of my code need to be on the host and on my PC. And also, how can I deal with the changing of the IP's address.
On the localhost, the chat works great. I launch the server.js, I have a database where I store the messages and an html/css chat box.
I want it to work like the phpMyChat application (some think like this).