Thanks in advance. I'm being nitpicked and my nitpicker says if I "just" Google "modifier", I should be able to figure out what the nitpick means:
public class Say
String numberNameOnes[] =
you missed a previous nitpick. Modifiers.
"Zero" , "One" , "Two" , "Three" , "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine"
means. I asked if it was my long name numberNameOnes[], the camel casing or what. I was told to look it up, but there is no index listing ANYWHERE IN ANY BOOK and when I Google "modifiers," I get a zillion hits that don't look like ANYTHING I am looking for.
When I got the Say assignment, I looked at the instructions and I followed them to a "T." Now I feel I am getting absolutely nowhere.
Please help!!