Actually you do need to know something about
EJB and Servlets for this exam. I wouldn't say it's not relevant for this exam, but you don't have to know everything on these.
Some topics for this exam:
Create an SOAP web service in a servlet container
Create a RESTful web service in a servlet container
Create a SOAP based web service implemented by an EJB component
Create a RESTful web service implemented by an EJB component
Since you passed OCPJP6, start writing some codes. Follow some tutorials about making a POJO webservice. Try to understand the generated WSDL and XSD. Try to
test your POJO Webservice with SOAPUI, where you can generate SOAP messages. Learning XML, XSD and WSDL only, is like swimming without getting wet =)
Ivan notes, like himai minh suggest, is a great way to start. Google on tutorials, or read and apply examples in book Java Web Services: Up and Running.
Good luck!