posted 10 years ago
I downloaded and ran the Scene Builder 2 installer on my Windows 64 machine which already has NetBeans 8 installed and working fine.
But the Scene Builder 2 installer executes for a few seconds and displays the Installation Complete popup and nothing is actually installed. It did not even ask for configuration choices such as where to install.
I looked for the default installation location, c:\Program Files (86) \ Oracle but that directory does not exist.
I tried to Open a JavaFXML project but there is no Open option on rightclick node.
I tried restarting NetBeans and reboot. No change.
Can you advise what to do?
Juan Rolando Prieur-Reza, M.S., LSSBB, SCEA, SCBCD, SCWCD, SCJP/1.6, IBM OOAD, SCSA