Holden Caufield wrote: I realised 90% stuff is made in this boring text console.
There are only two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors
Jack Lickman wrote:So I guess there was like a thousands of these topics, but I hope you will help me out anyway...
Twitter @realEdwinTorres
Jack Lickman wrote:Thanks guys for replies. Yeah, I got the throwing yourself on deep water reference
. I understand I have to start from fundamentals but I'm looking for a way to practice Java and proceeding further. The books chapters are very similar to themselves.
"Leadership is nature's way of removing morons from the productive flow" - Dogbert
Articles by Winston can be found here
It is even less forgiving about the difference between long and Long; it is liable to believe you whichever you write, whether you meant to or no.Winston Gutkowski wrote: . . . long is not the same thing as Long; and the compiler is not forgiving . . .
Jack Lickman wrote:So I guess there was like a thousands of these topics, but I hope you will help me out anyway. I started having an interest in Java like couple days ago and I was going through some video tutorials on youtube and ebooks I found on internet. I've never been learning any other programming language before so Java is my first one. Problem is I got so confused lately in Java and I have no idea on how to learn this language. Let me first tell you what my goals are. Well, I'd like to create some simple 2D games in future and get a well-paid job as Java Developer. For now these goals are like impossible, I can't set a learning way. So I was learning recently about syntax (generally), data types, conditions, loops, arrays, stuff like that. I don't know how to proceed further to be closer achieveing my goals. I told to myself today this: "So I want to create a simple 2d game, then what skills do I need?" I watched tutorial on game development and quickly I freaked out. I didn't understand pretty much nothing and I was only copying blindly code, just to see a graphical window, instead of text console when I was learning about math operators and loops stuff. I panicked, it was too hard. So right now it is hard for me to set proper direction in learning java. Should I learn about GUI? Should I learn about Threads? Or something else? As I was quickly looking through some ebook, I realised 90% stuff is made in this boring text console. It's clear I don't have a computer programming mind yet and I don't know to merge all the subjects in books to create some interesting projects. So maybe you guys can share your ways for effective learning java, proceeding fast and not getting lost in this Java world.
C is a procedural language and Java® an object language. Many people find it very difficult to move from procedural programming to object‑oriented programming. It is learning the new paradigm that is the hard part.Sooraj Rajagopalan wrote: . . . I knew a little bit of C programming fundamentals. . . .
It is learning the new paradigm that is the hard part.
Alice Hampton wrote:I would try Udemy if you can - its free to join,offers free java courses (I currently use a few) and discounted Java courses for as little as $10. They all have a lot of people using them and are all highly rated with interaction from the lecturer and interactive quizzes + downloadable content:)
"For an idea that does not first seem insane, there is no hope." - Albert Einstein
Campbell Ritchie wrote:What is wrong with starting with Java®? Why do you suggest starting with Python? Programming is difficult and the difficulty is largely independent of the language used.
And welcome to the Ranch
"For an idea that does not first seem insane, there is no hope." - Albert Einstein
Campbell Ritchie wrote:Welcome to the Ranch
Have you seen Cay Horstmann's introductory book? I think it is called Core Java for the Really Impatient. Beware: he also wrote a Java8 book with a similar title.
Or it can overload the brain causing failure to get code from IDE to JVM. That is why we believe you shouldn't usually start with an IDE.meenal deshpande wrote:. . . . At the point when Java SDK is joined with an IDE, it accommodates an incorporated improvement condition . . .
A lot of people would disagree with you there.Eclipse is without a doubt the best . . . .
Don't get me started about those stupid light bulbs. |