Ulf Dittmer wrote:For starters, it would help if you mentioned *which* dependencies are missing. Then you should tell us how you have added those dependencies to your build classpath. Since the directories are probably different between your work computer and your home computer, it wouldn't be surprising that Eclipse can't find them.
thank you for your help, i understand looks as a banal question, but please believe me all the tutorial i found so far are really confusing
i updated the SDK to the last version and opened a new workspace where i imported my project
going in properties( right click mouse on the folder file) and clicking android i have a project build target called android 4.4.2 API 19 and in library there is a reference appcompat_v7 is indicated with wrong x red that probably means that i should remove it
java build path i have checked on the sub tab order and export android private libraries and android dependencies
is so frustrating because i have not idea what i have to do, i do not understand what logic i should follow
i have ADT v22.6 1085508 v 201403212031
the SDK is 22.6
edit i updated to v23. The way i added the dependencies? i am afraid ike the tv of donald duck, i just giggle around trying casual combinations, now i updated to v 23..0.2
i think your hint about different directories between my house and my work is interesting. But how can i fix this? thank you