Hello, I would like to share experience with OCEJPAD exam and some tips to prepare for it.
I started studying from Pro JPA 2 : Mastering
Java Persistence API book in January. Simultaneously while studying, I used to take examples from the book or create my own and did hands on programs. After successful execution of programs, I wrote articles about them on my website
www.thejavageek.com. Although this process was slow, it helped me gain confidence and actually have experience in building JPA applications.
After I completed studying and implementing most of the examples from the book, bought Enthuware's mock exam simulator in July as it had been useful for OCPWCD exam. I was willing to take the exam in July itself hence directly started with standard tests in simulator. To my disappointment, I could not clear 2 tests in first attempt. Reading and attempting examples from the book wasn't sufficient for me ( and after that I could not study for a month as I was busy in some other important work). After a month, I downloaded and read the JPA specifications from oracle's official site and also created some
word documents to gather important annotations, exceptions, enum and related information from oracle's official JPA javadoc. After studying them carefully, started with Enthuware's practice tests
There are 3 sections in practice tests, 1. Easy tests 2. Tough Tests and 3. Very Tough tests. I was able to clear these tests with moderate scores. So again delved deep into the explanation for all mistaken as well as correctly answered questions as they provide more information about the topics. Now, it was time to schedule the exam and take the Standard tests. Took the standard tests on 1st, 2nd,3rd and 4th September and scored 86%, 72%, 75% and 86% respectively. On 5th september, again went through the JPA javadoc for a final touch.
On 6th September, I became the
Oracle Certified Expert, Java EE 6 Java Persistence API Developer
In summary
Exam is difficult. Work hard. Prepare well (Atleast thats my experience)Thoroughly read Pro JPA 2: Mastering Java Persistence APIPrepare some programs, then more and then some more. Buy a good mock exam simulator. I recommend Enthuware because of couple of good experiences with itBe a champion.