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You are requesting the same input twice. Once before the try once inside it.
Never try handling an InputMismatchException (IME). The right way (in my opinion) to use a Scanner pointing to System.in is inside a utility class. You would have to write your own utility class. You can create a method something like
Now, a long time ago, Rob Spoor taught me that you can always avoid an IME when you use the keyboard by getting the program to ask for a new input and showed me something very similar to the above. A few more suggestions can be found in my old posts if you search them for
Scanner nextInt hasNextInt and
utility class.
If you create yourself a utility class, you can overload that method to return a value in a certain range only. Use something like
while (i < min || i > max) …, and remember you will get a nice infinite loop if you pass max less than min
If you do that, you can be certain to avoid the IME for
int inputs, but remember that technique
does not work at all well if you are reading from a file. It would need locking if used in a multithreaded environment.