I have been trying different examples on showing progress bar for file upload progress for couple of days.
Some of the different example were using libraries like Dojo,jQuery and just using plain AJAX with iframe method.
But unfortunately, however i try i'm not able to show the progressbar thingy at all although
the upload part is working good.
Following is the example with Dojo[dojo-release-1.0.3]
I'm using
Servlet 2.5,commons fileupload libs, TomEE-plus-1.7. 0 &
ant for building tool
in ubuntu 12.04 as the platform with firefox 32.
Here is the code (as it was in the site)
If i choose a file of size 68MB, on page load the progressbar is seen
but stays at 0% all the time even after submttting the form.
On debugging, cant find error/bug here.
P.S This code can be seen CodeGuru: FileUpload Example
I cant find where I'm going wrong or is it some bug
Thanks in advance.