What kind of experience are you ideally looking for in a candidate?
What key personal characteristics do you look for in a candidate?
What is your hiring process?
Eric Rhea wrote:
1. What kind of experience are you ideally looking for in a candidate?
Eric Rhea wrote:
2. What key personal characteristics do you look for in a candidate?
Eric Rhea wrote:
3. What is your hiring process?
Eric Rhea wrote:
4. I will soon be graduating from a vocational school, what advice would you give me entering this field?
Eric Rhea wrote:
5. What are your experiences hiring from vocational schools?
Eric Rhea wrote:
6. Which school(s) would you recommend?
Eric Rhea wrote:
7. Is there anything else you'd like to share / advice you'd offer me?
Eric Rhea wrote:1. What kind of experience are you ideally looking for in a candidate?
Eric Rhea wrote:2. What key personal characteristics do you look for in a candidate?
Eric Rhea wrote:3. What is your hiring process?
Eric Rhea wrote:4. I will soon be graduating from a vocational school, what advice would you give me entering this field?
Eric Rhea wrote:5. What are your experiences hiring from vocational schools?
Eric Rhea wrote:6. Which school(s) would you recommend?
Eric Rhea wrote:7. Is there anything else you'd like to share / advice you'd offer me?
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