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RESTeasy , @MultipartForm and UTF-8

+Pie Number of slices to send: Send

I am using RESTeasy from JBoss for one of my project.
So my RESTeasy is consuming:

So I am filling out some text-fields plus sending in an image-file.

Now I have noticed that when the user is for instance entering the signs 'å , ä and ö' that
they all get scrambled up - google:d this and it seems to be a bug from the RESTeasy-crew.

One of JBoss solutions, which is not working for me, is to create a

A workaround is to use MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON and send in the image-file as a base64-string.
That is working.
But I would like to use the .

Any suggestions here ?
Is this solved in Jersey or in Restlet?

Regards, i
Nothing? Or something? Like this tiny ad:
a bit of art, as a gift, that will fit in a stocking

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