The Class object has a finalize() method.
The class Object has a finalize() method.
Kaspar von Gunten wrote:A minor mark-up Error in the "Two Minute Drill" at end of Chapter 3, Section"Garbage Collection"
Brian Mackin wrote:On page 131, Table 2-4, "public Foo()" in the 3rd cell in the Compiler-Generated Constructor Code section should be bold type to reflect that it is compiler generated.
Saber Seddik wrote:Page 156 the grid including code fragments is missing the closing paranthese.
Kaspar von Gunten wrote:Chapter 7, Self Test, Question 11
Kaspar von Gunten wrote:Kindle Edition, Chapter 7, Working with Java 7 Exception Handling, Section "Rethrowing Exceptions"
Douglas Cyporyn wrote:Chapter 3 Self Test, Question 3
When an Error or a subclass of Error (like RuntimeException) is thrown, it's unchecked.
Douglas Cyporyn wrote:This is confusing me because it makes it sound like RuntimeException is a subclass of Error. RuntimeException is not a subclass of error. Or, is it?
Douglas Cyporyn wrote:Chapter 6: Flow Control and Exceptions, page 350
Fourth sentence in the last paragraph states
Roel De Nijs wrote:That's definitely another erratum.
BSc Software Engineering (Hons), OCP 6, OCP 7, OCP 8
BSc Software Engineering (Hons), OCP 6, OCP 7, OCP 8
K&B7 wrote:java [options] class [args]
K&B7 wrote:javac [options] [source files]
K&B7 wrote:javac -help
Douglas Cyporyn wrote:Chapter 3 Self Test, Question 3.
Answer choices are A, B, C, D, E, F.
Self Test Answers for question 3 list possible Answers A, B, C, D, E, G.
Clearly the answer key is describing answer F but referring to it as G.
BSc Software Engineering (Hons), OCP 6, OCP 7, OCP 8
OCAJP7 (Aug 2014) | OCPJP7 (Currently Studying)
Sergey Butenko wrote:Hi everyone,
Chapter 7, page 399: "What happens if we call the close() multiple times? It depends. For classes that implement AutoCloseable, the implementation is required to be idempotent. Which means you can call close() all day and nothing will happen the second time and beyond. It will not attempt to close the resourse again and it will not blow up. For classes that implement Closeable, there is no such guarantee.
Oracle documentation (Java SE7), Interface AutoCloseable: "Note that unlike the close method of Closeable, this close method is not required to be idempotent. In other words, calling this close method more than once may have some visible side effect, unlike Closeable.close which is required to have no effect if called more than once. However, implementers of this interface are strongly encouraged to make their close methods idempotent."
If you forget and use the String " readOnly ," Java will silently ignore the statement and the file will still allow anyone to write to it.
Cristian Braun wrote:safaribooksonline version, in section Part I OCA and OCP/1 Declarations and Access Control/Define Classes (OCA Objectives 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 6.6, and 7.6)/Using the javac and java commands:
K&B7 wrote:java [options] class [args]
IMHO it should be:
Shawn Nicolson wrote:In the ErrataKB7 it now shows that all answer options are incorrect;
Now that is as clear as mud what I'm actually saying is; C is the correct answer and should not be listed as the incorrect answer.
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