Good Day, I almost hit a moose once. Biggest animal I ever saw.
Tomcat 8 (Users/$HOME/tomcat with a symlink from Library/Tomcat) on MBP 10.9, running JDK 1.8 (confirmed $
java -version). Tomcat launches and Catalina is running but localhost:8080 returns 404. Something is not configured correctly or there may be collision on port 8080 ($ natstat -an | grep 8080 return open and listening). Errors thrown in /logs/catalina.out:
But the rest seems to load as expected. I get some additional errors when running the configtest. Most output left out for brevity.
This is repeated for ajp-nio-8009 (shutdown). Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. And know that one more moose lives because I WASN'T texting and driving...