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When I first started preparing for JP exam, I did find analyzing code snippets for question a bit tedious and time consuming. In fact it took me 3 tries to pass the JP exam.
Anyway, my approach these days is as follow: given your concepts are ground solid or 90%+
identify whether it's "what the output of the program" or "what code to insert on line XX"
go to the answer choices, see if there is a compilation error option or runtime error option
Glance the program getting a gist of what it is doing
See if you can identify any compilation or runtime error, if so, choose that option. If not sure
For output questions:
Take note of how different the answer choices are
Run the loop/System.out.println() snippet in your head, identify if some sort of
pattern exist then choose the closest option to your own execution
Note: If your execution is WAY OFF from the answer choices, it means you did it wrong, but don't waste time re-executing, use that pattern you noticed and choose the closest answer
For insert code questions:
Take note of the answer choices, base on that some answers can be eliminated such as that class doesn't even exist in the API or the API is used incorrectly
Go back to the question and ask yourself if I plug this answer/code in does it make sense/compile/no runtime error
Note: able to compile DOES NOT mean there will be no runtime error
As always, when preparing for JP exams, practice practice practice. Writing more code will allow you to identify whether there is error in code snippet.
Hope this helps