Hi All,
I am facing this problem in my very simple https
java client, which tries to open a connection with an https host.
I have found many people facing the same problem but could not manage to get a concrete solution.
Here is my very simple https java client.
Error response:
Strange thing is when I try to open the same url on my browser, I get the response xml perfectly fine, but when I try to invoke the url through my client program, it given me this exception.
Another thing, i have noted that is when I put the url "https://XXX.net:443/dev01/services/epex/orders/TSO?TSO=XXX&startDate=04-NOV-2014&endDate=05-NOV-2014&startTime=00:00&endTime=24:00", in my browser, it automatically removes the 443 port before it shows the response. On my removing the 443 port in my client program, it does not make any difference. I still get the same error message.
I also tried to use the keystore.jks, which i generated after downloading the .cer from my browser, but I still get the same error.
I am sort of very confused as to how I can connect to this server and get the response back?