Took OCA exam yesterday and it was much harder than I expected. Questions with many lines of code, ran out of time and had to guess on at least 5. Multiple Classes, multiple methods, multiple Objects and a Loop to change values. Enthuware practice exam results were: 47, 54, 50, 60, 51, 59, 63. My test score was 68%, so I passed. My experience in OOP and
Java is 2 online courses, so maybe that lack of real-life experience made it difficult to digest the code.
The following 3 examples are what at least 50 of the questions are like:
Consider the following code:
What can be done to improve the encapsulation of this class?
Consider the following code:
Which of the following options can be used in the code above so that the init method initializes each table element to the sum of its row and column number and the multiply method just multiplies the element value by 2?
What is the output?