Often the most important part of the news is what they didn't tell.
Tim Holloway wrote:Just to be properly Prussian about things, I must point out that a JSF managed/backing bean is not a Controller in the MVC sense, it's the Model. Action methods in managed beans are external to MVC and are basically business methods. A true Controller's sole function is to synchronize values between Model and View and not do any business/persistance functions, and in JSF, the Controllers are all pre-supplied - you only code Models and Views.
However, that's immaterial to your problem, just being meticulous.
My suspicion is that you haven't got your persistent storage in correspondence with the I18N used in your JSF application. Databases also have Code Pages and I've had issues more than once where part of a system was in UTF-8 but the backend was set to ISO-8990-1 (or some such).
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