Hi, Am scheduled for taking a crack at WebLogic certification in Nov. Any certification sites or further information on preparation from anyone will be greatly appreciated. Please help...
Hi, I sent couple of e-mails to BEA regarding certification. Following is the e-mail response I received after two weeks of waiting. 1. $200.00 fee for the test. 2. No sample questions. 3. No mock exams. 4. At WWW.BEA.COM, there is a forum. We need to network and get our own mock exams. Any one interested?. Couple of books are expected to be published on Weblogic in OCT/NOV time frame. Goodluck Raj
Hi, You can check the e-docs.bea.com This is the only web site which contains some information of all the pdf books to read. But there is no newsgroups as such which can guide us in preparation. If any of you know any newsgroup which can help me for my preparation pls let me know.