Hi Armaan,
First of all, a warm welcome to CodeRanch!
Armaan Garg wrote:1. I am SCJP 6 certified and planning to take SE 8 certification but bit confused if I should go for SE 7 first and then SE 8 or directly go for SE 8?
2. If I go for SE 8 certification what is so special about your book that I can rely on that because generally K&B books are like all in one for java certifications?
3. Is your book sufficient for SE 8 certification or will I need to refer any other material?
Because you are SCJP6 certified already, you could take
the OCPJP7 upgrade exam (1Z0-805). I think K&B7 is probably the best book on the market to use for your preparation (as there is no specific study guide for the upgrade exam as far as I know).
But currently there is
an OCPJP8 beta upgrade exam (1Z1-810), which you (being SCJP certified)
could take as well. Probably the most important advantage is the price: it's just 50 USD. There are a few cons as well: you have to wait a very long time before you'll know your score (approximately 11 weeks after the close of the Beta Exam). Currently there isn't a book on the market which covers the OCPJP exam (Jeanne and Scott are working on an OCPJP8 study guide as well). So you'll need to use online resources (e.g. Oracle tutorials, the OCPJP forum,...) to prepare yourself for the exam.
Of course you can take the OCAJP8 exam and then the study guide by Jeanne & Scott will be an excellent resource (currently the only one available). In the following months you can prepare for the OCPJP8 and take the beta version (cheap price) or wait until the production version is released.
Any combination of the above is of course also possible, if you like taking certification exams a lot
Hope it helps!
Kind regards,