Hi Deepak
Thank you for your question. I will answer the pints in turn.
1, what do mean by time saving patterns ? -- >Can you explain this with a simple Java Code to understand better.?
2. "Learn how Java EE offers implementation of many patterns through annotations and a cleaner programming model than J2EE". -- > Can you explain this with a simple Java Code to understand better.?
We mean that you need to write less code if the pattern is implemented in Java EE compared to Java SE. Here is an example of the Factory Pattern implemented in Java SE.
First you create the abstract factory class.
Then you implement the abstract class.
And finally you create an instance of the factory and call the factory method ceateMessage().
In Java EE we use two annotations (@Produces and @Inject) and the Context and Dependency Injection framework to do much of the work for us.
Here we create the factory and produce the message.
and finally we use the message by injecting the produced message and printing it to the console.
As you can see the amount of code that we need to write is minimal as the CDI takes care of the creation and injection of the message.
3. Good to know you have explained Aspect Oriented Programming, Asynchronous Programming, and Restful WebServices
We also discuss microservices and message orientated middleware both hot topics at the moment.
4. Learn when patterns are not the answer, why that is, and what to use instead --> Can you explain this with a simple Java Code to understand better?
To demonstrate this with code is a little difficult in such a small space, a context is necessary. Patterns are not magic bullets that will solve all your problems. You must first understand the problem and how a pattern might be able to help solve it and also how the pattern might make the problem worst. We discuss each pattern, talking about their pros and cons and things
you should watch out for. Additionally we tell wars stories about the use of the pattern in real life. The story may be an example of how the pattern saved the day or maybe a story about how the pattern caused more problems than it solved.
I hope I have answered you question. Please feel free to go to the amazon website a have a look inside
Professional Java EE Design Patterns in order to get a feel of what its like. I think you will find it useful.