Enthuware - Best Mock Exams and Questions for Oracle Java Certifications
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Paul Anilprem wrote:Hi Willem,
I am very sorry to hear that you failed the exam. We have taken note of your feedback and are working to improve our question bank based on the points that you've mentioned. If you could tell a bit more about the topics that you felt were not covered well in our question bank, we would really appreciate that.
Also, please do let us know your order id (send me a PM or send us an email) and we will issue you are refund.
thank you,
Willem De Bruyn wrote:I used the e-book/kindle version found here http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007SA1GNU/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B007SA1GNU&linkCode=as2&tag=code0ac-20, but its okay, I don't want a refund, I feel that the topics are well covered, its just that I ran out of time in the actual exam.. Tell me, are the question banks you have on your website http://enthuware.com/index.php/mock-exams/oracle-certified-associate/java-programmer-certification-i the same as the one on amazon?
OCAJP Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 7 Programmer Practice Exams on Amazon.com wrote:IMPORTANT: This is an eBook version of Enthuware's simulator JA+ V7 for OCA-JP 7 Certification. It contains the same questions as the simulator. If you are not comfortable with the formatting of this eBook, you may want to try the software version from Enthuware.com, which is available for the same price and is updated automatically on a regular basis.
Roel De Nijs wrote:
Willem De Bruyn wrote:I used the e-book/kindle version found here http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007SA1GNU/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B007SA1GNU&linkCode=as2&tag=code0ac-20, but its okay, I don't want a refund, I feel that the topics are well covered, its just that I ran out of time in the actual exam.. Tell me, are the question banks you have on your website http://enthuware.com/index.php/mock-exams/oracle-certified-associate/java-programmer-certification-i the same as the one on amazon?
Based on this important note from OCAJP Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 7 Programmer Practice Exams on Amazon, I would say yes.
OCAJP Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 7 Programmer Practice Exams on Amazon.com wrote:IMPORTANT: This is an eBook version of Enthuware's simulator JA+ V7 for OCA-JP 7 Certification. It contains the same questions as the simulator. If you are not comfortable with the formatting of this eBook, you may want to try the software version from Enthuware.com, which is available for the same price and is updated automatically on a regular basis.
Roel De Nijs wrote:...you may want to try the software version from Enthuware.com, which is available for the same price and is updated automatically on a regular basis.
Willem De Bruyn wrote:
Roel De Nijs wrote:
Willem De Bruyn wrote:I used the e-book/kindle version found here http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007SA1GNU/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B007SA1GNU&linkCode=as2&tag=code0ac-20, but its okay, I don't want a refund, I feel that the topics are well covered, its just that I ran out of time in the actual exam.. Tell me, are the question banks you have on your website http://enthuware.com/index.php/mock-exams/oracle-certified-associate/java-programmer-certification-i the same as the one on amazon?
Based on this important note from OCAJP Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 7 Programmer Practice Exams on Amazon, I would say yes.
OCAJP Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 7 Programmer Practice Exams on Amazon.com wrote:IMPORTANT: This is an eBook version of Enthuware's simulator JA+ V7 for OCA-JP 7 Certification. It contains the same questions as the simulator. If you are not comfortable with the formatting of this eBook, you may want to try the software version from Enthuware.com, which is available for the same price and is updated automatically on a regular basis.
Mmmmm but it also mentions "updated automatically on a regular basis." Waiting for Paul's reply on this, maybe worth getting this is there has been some changes
Enthuware - Best Mock Exams and Questions for Oracle Java Certifications
Quality Guaranteed - Pass or Full Refund!
Paul Anilprem wrote:
Willem De Bruyn wrote:
Roel De Nijs wrote:
Willem De Bruyn wrote:I used the e-book/kindle version found here http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007SA1GNU/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B007SA1GNU&linkCode=as2&tag=code0ac-20, but its okay, I don't want a refund, I feel that the topics are well covered, its just that I ran out of time in the actual exam.. Tell me, are the question banks you have on your website http://enthuware.com/index.php/mock-exams/oracle-certified-associate/java-programmer-certification-i the same as the one on amazon?
Based on this important note from OCAJP Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 7 Programmer Practice Exams on Amazon, I would say yes.
OCAJP Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 7 Programmer Practice Exams on Amazon.com wrote:IMPORTANT: This is an eBook version of Enthuware's simulator JA+ V7 for OCA-JP 7 Certification. It contains the same questions as the simulator. If you are not comfortable with the formatting of this eBook, you may want to try the software version from Enthuware.com, which is available for the same price and is updated automatically on a regular basis.
Mmmmm but it also mentions "updated automatically on a regular basis." Waiting for Paul's reply on this, maybe worth getting this is there has been some changes
In case of the simulator, we control the update process and so a user gets the updated version as soon as we update it. We do update the eBook on Amazon also at the same time. However, we do not know when the customer of the eBook gets the update because it is done by Amazon. Therefore, an ebook user may see errors that have already been fixed. For this reason, we have included the statement that you've quoted.
If you have purchased the ebook, you will not get anything new, in terms of content, by purchasing the simulator.
Willem De Bruyn wrote:
Paul Anilprem wrote:
Willem De Bruyn wrote:
Roel De Nijs wrote:
Willem De Bruyn wrote:I used the e-book/kindle version found here http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007SA1GNU/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B007SA1GNU&linkCode=as2&tag=code0ac-20, but its okay, I don't want a refund, I feel that the topics are well covered, its just that I ran out of time in the actual exam.. Tell me, are the question banks you have on your website http://enthuware.com/index.php/mock-exams/oracle-certified-associate/java-programmer-certification-i the same as the one on amazon?
Based on this important note from OCAJP Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 7 Programmer Practice Exams on Amazon, I would say yes.
OCAJP Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 7 Programmer Practice Exams on Amazon.com wrote:IMPORTANT: This is an eBook version of Enthuware's simulator JA+ V7 for OCA-JP 7 Certification. It contains the same questions as the simulator. If you are not comfortable with the formatting of this eBook, you may want to try the software version from Enthuware.com, which is available for the same price and is updated automatically on a regular basis.
Mmmmm but it also mentions "updated automatically on a regular basis." Waiting for Paul's reply on this, maybe worth getting this is there has been some changes
In case of the simulator, we control the update process and so a user gets the updated version as soon as we update it. We do update the eBook on Amazon also at the same time. However, we do not know when the customer of the eBook gets the update because it is done by Amazon. Therefore, an ebook user may see errors that have already been fixed. For this reason, we have included the statement that you've quoted.
If you have purchased the ebook, you will not get anything new, in terms of content, by purchasing the simulator.
I bought the ebook in 2013.... I see on the website the simulator has 7 tests, the ebook only has 6
Enthuware - Best Mock Exams and Questions for Oracle Java Certifications
Quality Guaranteed - Pass or Full Refund!
Paul Anilprem wrote:
Willem De Bruyn wrote:
Paul Anilprem wrote:
Willem De Bruyn wrote:
Roel De Nijs wrote:
Willem De Bruyn wrote:I used the e-book/kindle version found here http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007SA1GNU/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B007SA1GNU&linkCode=as2&tag=code0ac-20, but its okay, I don't want a refund, I feel that the topics are well covered, its just that I ran out of time in the actual exam.. Tell me, are the question banks you have on your website http://enthuware.com/index.php/mock-exams/oracle-certified-associate/java-programmer-certification-i the same as the one on amazon?
Based on this important note from OCAJP Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 7 Programmer Practice Exams on Amazon, I would say yes.
OCAJP Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 7 Programmer Practice Exams on Amazon.com wrote:IMPORTANT: This is an eBook version of Enthuware's simulator JA+ V7 for OCA-JP 7 Certification. It contains the same questions as the simulator. If you are not comfortable with the formatting of this eBook, you may want to try the software version from Enthuware.com, which is available for the same price and is updated automatically on a regular basis.
Mmmmm but it also mentions "updated automatically on a regular basis." Waiting for Paul's reply on this, maybe worth getting this is there has been some changes
In case of the simulator, we control the update process and so a user gets the updated version as soon as we update it. We do update the eBook on Amazon also at the same time. However, we do not know when the customer of the eBook gets the update because it is done by Amazon. Therefore, an ebook user may see errors that have already been fixed. For this reason, we have included the statement that you've quoted.
If you have purchased the ebook, you will not get anything new, in terms of content, by purchasing the simulator.
I bought the ebook in 2013.... I see on the website the simulator has 7 tests, the ebook only has 6
We did quite a bit of reorganization as well as add new questions a few months ago when Oracle made changes to the exam (they changed the number of questions, duration, and pass percent). The current version of ebook on Amazon reflects the same.
But it looks like Amazon has stopped updating yours. We are not really sure about their policy on for how long and how frequently they update the readers. In this case, you will see about 20% change between the old and the new version.
Willem De Bruyn wrote:Just some feedback from my side, i just failed the test by 3%... FOR THE 2nd time, FML!
Willem De Bruyn wrote:Fast forward to the present and I managed to land a junior developer job thanks to an IT diploma I have, and I've been coding full time in JavaScript for about 18 months(Obviously the exam doesn't cover scripting language, but it helps to work in a coding environment on a daily basis).
Willem De Bruyn wrote:I Thought "great" should be "easier" this time round, I put aside a week and a half of full time studying (about 6-8hours a day), worked through the new OCAOCP 7 textbook by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates, and also through all the mock exams in Enthuware
Willem De Bruyn wrote:Well I would say the actual exam was on par with most of the Enthuware as far as difficulty goes, but compared to the first time around this felt much harder, there were A LOT of questions with bloated code snippets that is just very hard to work through given that you only have about 90 seconds per question, I would say the first time I took this test for every 3 straight forward questions there was 1 question the needed some thinking and working through... This time it felt the other way around...
Willem De Bruyn wrote:Anyway thats just feedback from my side, so that future exam candidates reading this can use this knowledge so they're prepared for the time limits
Willem De Bruyn wrote:I'm rescheduling this for 2 week from now, this time I wont be caught off guard again.
Roel De Nijs wrote:
For other aspirants it might be helpful if you could elaborate on how you have studied/prepared yourself during these 10 days. Did you just read/study the K&B7 study guide? Did you create lots of code snippets? When coding did you use an IDE or a text editor? ...
Willem De Bruyn wrote:There's none of the topics I don't understand to be honest, quite frustrating, not to sure how to go about my preparation for the test again next month
Willem De Bruyn wrote:I did write lots of code, looking back now there's at least 50-60 classes in my "Java 7 Prep" project in Netbeans...
Willem De Bruyn wrote:The only one thing I didn't do in my preparation was to time myself, I took my sweet time with the mock exams, and this got me into the habit of taking things slowly, which is a very bad thing I suppose
Guillermo Ishi wrote:
The right way to do it would be to when a person enters their real score, at that point their Enthu scores are included too.
If you can't get both for some reason then you act to the user like the real score was submitted but really don't. That might be what they do but I doubt it.
Enthuware - Best Mock Exams and Questions for Oracle Java Certifications
Quality Guaranteed - Pass or Full Refund!
Paul Anilprem wrote:
If you can't get both for some reason then you act to the user like the real score was submitted but really don't. That might be what they do but I doubt it.
I am not sure if I understand what you mean. Some users submit their real exam scores, some don't. We can't do anything about that. We certainly don't cook the numbers. We just show the data that we receive.
Enthuware - Best Mock Exams and Questions for Oracle Java Certifications
Quality Guaranteed - Pass or Full Refund!
Guillermo Ishi wrote:Roel is convinced if you get in the 80s on Enthuware you will pass the test. So that is how to go about preparing for it.
Paul Anilprem wrote:OK, no, if the submission fails, the user is notified that it has failed. They can try again.
Paul Anilprem wrote:thank you for your suggestion. We sincerely appreciate it.
Roel De Nijs wrote:
Paul Anilprem wrote:OK, no, if the submission fails, the user is notified that it has failed. They can try again.
The one and only correct procedure!![]()
Paul Anilprem wrote:thank you for your suggestion. We sincerely appreciate it.
This sounds like you can expect a free license key to use the Enthuware mock exams, Guillermo![]()
Guillermo Ishi wrote:I would find it strange to find 40% on the wall of fame with some high Enthuware scores, too. But I would find it even stranger to find a 40% in the wall of fame. Your prediction algorithm is using overfitted data. My gut says you're right; my brain says you could be wrong. But I did recommend your theory.
Enthuware - Best Mock Exams and Questions for Oracle Java Certifications
Quality Guaranteed - Pass or Full Refund!
Roel De Nijs wrote:You won't find a 40% on the OcajpWallOfFame, because with that score you didn't pass the test which is the one and only requirement to add your name to the wall
Paul Anilprem wrote:Comments welcome
Paul Anilprem wrote:Now, the viewer automatically picks only the first attempt scores of Standard Tests, computes their average, and displays that average on the submit dialog. But it doesn't allow the user to change this value.
Paul Anilprem wrote:Further, only those users who have taken at least one Standard Test and have scored more than 35% in that test can submit the scores.
Guillermo Ishi wrote:The point of my rambling was to say that from the Wall we don't know anything about Enthu scores from the set of people who didn't pass the real, so we can't scientifically say if you make X on Enthu you make X on real. We assume Enthu scores of the people who didn't pass the real were significantly lower than the Enthu scores of people who passed the real, but we can't prove it.
Guillermo Ishi wrote:Even if you paid everybody to enter their real score, there's no assurance it is a genuine real score! I don't know how to fix this for sure, even if you included Certview somehow. If whatever you require users to do isn't simple, nobody will bother to do it.
Roel De Nijs wrote:
Paul Anilprem wrote:Further, only those users who have taken at least one Standard Test and have scored more than 35% in that test can submit the scores.
Assume I take in total 4 standard tests (mock exams):
Test 1: 25% (I was unprepared) Test 2: 55% (I studied really hard) Test 3: 30% (I clearly don't understand a few key objectives) Test 4: 65% (I focused on those few key objectives) What's my average mock score? Based on your explanation I guess 60% (only test 2 & 4 are taken into account). Or is it 50% (test 2, 3 & 4)? Because once you passed the 35% treshold you are considered to be prepared and all tests from that point count.
1/ I know from your website a user gets a refund if he/she fails. But what's the procedure? Do I have to submit my actual exam score as well? Or send Enthuware a mail with a copy of my certification status? Maybe it could be interesting if it was linked with submitting the scores. Then you have statistics for exam failures. Or maybe these scores are already incorporated in the current average scores. If it is, it might be useful to have two seperate average scores tables.
2/ Assume I want some practice, but I don't have time to do a complete mock exam, I only have 75 minutes available. Can I start a customized test in "real exam mode"? So I enter the number of minutes and the software calculates how many questions I must solve in this duration (based on the actual exam details (70 questions in 7200 seconds). These questions could be randomly chosen based on exam objective or from mock exams I already completed or ... I would not allow to pick questions from mock exams which are not completed yet (it might mess up the average score)
Kind regards,
Enthuware - Best Mock Exams and Questions for Oracle Java Certifications
Quality Guaranteed - Pass or Full Refund!
Roel De Nijs wrote:
Guillermo Ishi wrote:It is obvious why you care if submitted scores are genuine or not.
Enlighten me please.
Paul Anilprem wrote:Also, I think if you go from scoring 55% to 30%, there must have been some other unrelated reason such as disturbance which caused you to either just end the test or zip through it. Not a good data point to keep.
Paul Anilprem wrote:1. You can create a custom test containing any number of randomly selected questions on any exam objective (s). The time is automatically adjusted as per the time limitation per question of the real exam. It is technically possible to avoid questions from any standard test(s) but avoiding them is a little more work. You can see the list of question ids for any standard test, you can copy it and paste it while creating a customized test (it asks you if you want to exclude certain questions while creating a customized test).
2. You can enter the amount of time you have and it will keep throwing you as many questions as you can answer in that time limit. If you do not want to see questions from other unused tests, you can focus only on questions that you've missed earlier or attempted earlier. This will not mess up the average score.
3. It is currently not possible to just specify the time and expect a fixed number of questions depending on the time limit per question.
Paul Anilprem wrote:After 6 tests, I am sure you will be ready.
Guillermo Ishi wrote:
Roel De Nijs wrote:
Guillermo Ishi wrote:It is obvious why you care if submitted scores are genuine or not.
Enlighten me please.
If it doesn't matter if they're phony, then don't bother collecting them - just make them up?
Roel De Nijs wrote:
Paul Anilprem wrote:After 6 tests, I am sure you will be ready.
No doubt! You'll definitely be ready after a gazillion mock/practice questions. But I've seen a few people already mentioning that they encountered on the actual exam some questions which were almost identical to Enthuware practice questions. This worries me a bit, because that could probably be a violation of Oracle's exam policy.
Enthuware - Best Mock Exams and Questions for Oracle Java Certifications
Quality Guaranteed - Pass or Full Refund!
Roel De Nijs wrote:But what benefit as a user would you have to submit a phony (higher) actual exam score as it's submitted anonymously.
Paul Anilprem wrote:We do not purposefully put them there.
Paul Anilprem wrote:Out of hundreds of questions, it is possible that a few may look very close the real exam questions but only because there are only a few ways you can frame a question on a concept. For example, if you want to test a candidate on what happens to an arraylist if you try to add an element twice. If two entirely different people formulate 4-5 unique questions on this point, a couple of them will be bound to be almost same in structure, except may be variable names (and who doesn't name a variable of type ArrayList as arrayList or list
Paul Anilprem wrote:We have been in the market for more than 10 years now and we haven't heard from Sun or Oracle's lawyers yet. I am sure if we violated their policy, they would come after us in no time.
Paul Anilprem wrote:Out of hundreds of questions, it is possible that a few may look very close the real exam questions but only because there are only a few ways you can frame a question on a concept. For example, if you want to test a candidate on what happens to an arraylist if you try to add an element twice. If two entirely different people formulate 4-5 unique questions on this point, a couple of them will be bound to be almost same in structure, except may be variable names (and who doesn't name a variable of type ArrayList as arrayList or list
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Roel De Nijs wrote:
Guillermo Ishi wrote:But really, to guarantee some conclusion you obviously have to guarantee your data.
Luckily we don't draw any conclusions from this data![]()
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