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sudha swami wrote:Its not a good design practice if you use trigger with UTL_SMTP package because if the SMTP server is down, the entire tranascation will rollback. Is there any alertnative approach?
Any thoughts about Database Change Notification which is introduced in Oracle 11g?
For best performance of change notification, the following guidelines are presented.Registered objects are few and mostly read-only and that modifications to those objects are the exception rather than the rule. If the object is extremely volatile, then it will cause a large number of invalidation notifications to be sent, and potentially a lot of storage in the invalidation queue on the server. If there are frequent and a large number of notifications, it can slow down OLTP throughput due to the overhead of generating the notifications.It is also a good idea to keep the number of duplicate registrations on any given object low (ideally one) in order to avoid the same notification message being replicated to multiple recipients.
sudha swami wrote:1.Whenever there is an insert in the table, the trigger gets invoked and sends an email with the new record details. If the SMTP server is down, will insert of the record in the table gets rolledback.
2.Do we have any concept similar to DCN?
3. If we run a scheduler on a table, how do we know whether new record is inserted in table.Email alerts are sent only for the new records.
sudha swami wrote:1. I am talking about the oracle trigger based solution. Inside the trigger, if I don't use DBMS_JOB to send an email instead I use UTL_SMTP code directly, will insert transaction gets rolled back when the SMTP server is down? Why?
2.Similar concept to DCN in Java. In one of the threads you were talking about client result cache.
3.I am looking only for inserts in the table since last 15 minutes.
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