posted 9 years ago
Hello Sir/madam
Wrt to the socketChannel, we have been facing recently a peculiar issue.
Our Application is a client, which sends request to the thirdparty system transaction Request via socket
the application is in live and it was working perfectly. but recently we face issue
a. We are able to send request to the Server
b. They are able to process request and while sending response, they are flusing and get, client has closed the connection.
a. For some transaction -Balance we are able to process response immediately
b. For some, we are getting this issue when server Application trying to write to our client.
Please find the code
Socket creation code
What could be the issue for
Is it soTimeout, causing the issue 30 sec, post which server is not able to write the date
Currently Server team is saying, while sending response flush, they are getting client has closed the socket
Kindly help us with the solution.