I 'm trying to set up a Spring MVC + Hibernate WAR for deployment to
Jboss 7.1.1 Final. My application using Hibernate 3.6.1 & So far my understanding is that Hibernate 4 is packaged with the AS and is the default persistence provider. I am not using persistent.xml file configuration.
I have followed all steps required to setup Hibernate 3 in JBoss.
Go to the AS installation and change into the modules/org folder.
Created folder for slot 3 to hold Hibernate 3
Copied the Hibernate3 jars into this new AS/modules/org/hibernate/3 folder (hibernate3-core.jar, hibernate3-commons-annotations.jar, hibernate3-entitymanager.jar, dom4j.jar, slf4j.jar, slf4j-api.jar, commons-collections.jar, antlr.jar, slf4j-api.jar, commons-collections.jar, antlr.jar and any other jar needed for Hibernate 3)
Created the AS/modules/org/hibernate/3/module.xml file with contents:
My pom.xml(part):
My hibernate-context.xml(Part)
My hibernate.cfg.xml
I have provided all required
java still I am still getting following exception, Can anyone help me to setup hibernate 3 related changes in JBoss?