"The good news about computers is that they do what you tell them to do. The bad news is that they do what you tell them to do." -- Ted Nelson
Stefan Evans wrote:I'm wondering if you wouldn't have gotten the same reception here. Apart from the closing and deleting of the question as irrelevant.
Chan Ag wrote: I don't understand how can you speak negatively about StackOverflow openly and get two likes.
Bear Bibeault wrote:
Chan Ag wrote: I don't understand how can you speak negatively about StackOverflow openly and get two likes.
I don't see how expressing a negative opinion about a site (or a technology, or a car, or a restaurant, or whatever else) is a violation of "Be nice". Now, if the post had been "Bear is a doo-doo head" or some other personal attack, that's a completely different matter.
Chan Ag wrote:
Also there is a forum called www.ibmmainframes.com that could be of help.
Jesper de Jong wrote:
Certainly not. The main motto of CodeRanch is that we're a friendly place for programming greenhorns - as it says besides the moose on the top left of the page. On CodeRanch there's a much more friendly atmosphere than on SO and people have a lot more patience with answering questions. And no nasty downvoting and close voting.
Thou shalt not try me. Mom 24:7
It's really very hard to find anything useful about CICS EZASOKET API. Try it.
Often the most important part of the news is what they didn't tell.
Sam Parson wrote:That being said, is there a better platform out there for coding questions?
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William Ng wrote:StackOverflow is not noob friendly.
Often the most important part of the news is what they didn't tell.