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Ram Manoj Kongara wrote:
I am confused whether SCJP 5 certification fits in as one of mandatory course requirement or not for OCMJEA.
The SCJP5 certificate itself DOES NOT meet the training requirement for OCMJEA.
Ram Manoj Kongara wrote:
I was referring Master Level Certification -> Oracle Certified Master, Java EE 5 Enterprise Architect
Step 2 - Or submit one of these archived courses that you have already completed.
Link: https://education.oracle.com/pls/web_prod-plq-dad/db_pages.getpage?page_id=653&get_params=p_id:164
For OCMJEA5 some archived courses (from step 2) do meet the training requirement. If you did training for the SCJP5 and say you took the course "Java Programming Language" then yes you would have fulfill the training requirement for OCMJEA5 (not v6)
Ram Manoj Kongara wrote:
Also where, when or who will be validating which mandatory course requirement we have fulfilled as per-requisite for OCMJEA.
That would be Oracle, who else? You may submit the course submission form (step 7) in the link through Oracle CertView. Things to provide is like course name, when you took it, place where you took it and how long the training is.