posted 9 years ago
I don't know if we've had the same problems, but mine started when I finished the essay exam. There was an error dialog on screen saying the program crashed. When I called the PeasonVUE guy to check it out, he said it had been happening all the time with Oracle exams and not to worry. I didn't get the exam email confirmation, which started to worry me. 3 days later, checking the Pearson site, the status of the assignment changed from Sent to Delivery Failed. I waited 2 more days and it still said Delivery Failed. Then I panicked and called Pearson, who denied any knowledge of the fact, saying that for him it said Delivery Successful. I even took a screen print and sent to him to prove that it said Delivery Failed, and he continued denying it, saying that in his system it was fine. Then I logged off and on again, and there it was, Delivery Successful. As I don't believe in coincidences, I'm pretty sure he manually fixed the status during the call, and I can only conclude that's why Oracle couldn't access the JAR file when they tried, because it really failed to deliver it to them and the support guy just changed the status to appease me.
Try checking your assignment status on Pearson, maybe the very same thing happened to you.
Anyways I find it very weird Oracle didn't just send you their particular email address to resend the assignment. I'd share it with you, but I don't know if it's against any rules, better get it from them.
All in all, good luck, hope it gets resolved.
Best of luck,
Heliton Rodrigues Aranha Filho
OCMJEA 5 and 6, SCJP 1.4