Author/s : Anne Boehm, Zak Ruvalcaba
Publisher : Mike Murach & Associates
Category :
Web design, HTML and JavaScript
Review by : Jeanne Boyarsky
Rating : 9 horseshoes
"Murach's HTML5 and CSS3" covers HTML and CSS from the ground up. It's a great book for starting out as it shows basic constructs. It's also a decent book even if you know "old" HTML and CSS. The repetitive parts are easy to find/skim. Granted the book is heavy (600 pages) for skimming. There are good guidelines/tips on browser compatibility, SEO and accessibility.
The book has been updated nicely since the 2011 version. Response design is well covered along with tips for
testing with different size screens and resolutions. I particularly liked the CSS 3 filters that were included for responsive design. The jQuery section(s) were expanded a lot and grew to include jQuery UI and jQuery Mobild.
I did learn some things from the book and the material was well presented. Unsurprisingly, it uses the standard Murach style. One side of the book is text and one side is examples/bullet points. I also like that the book used HTML 5 and CSS 3 properly rather than tacking it onto an older book as an afterthought.
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in
exchange for writing this review on behalf of CodeRanch.
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