Hi there,
I have a text box and a button in a JFrame Form. When the user enter a name in the text box and click the button.I first connect to the database and called a stored procedure named: "insertName" and passed the stored procedure the textbox value as parameter and tell it to stored it in a table called "Name". Btw i know i can do it direcly by using preparedStatement and changing the
string reference variable to "INSERT Statement" but i want to do it by stored procedure.
Netbean don't give me any error or exception but my SQL 2008 profiler trace is saying something like this:
declare @p1 int
set @p1=1
exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,N'@P0 nvarchar(4000)',N'EXEC insertName @P0 ',N'
select @p1
As you can see above: the value "test" i entered in the textbox is being passed but i don't understand why it is not working