Thanks Tim for your reply. For the time being, I made a work around. For my first interaction (which is just a handshake of token
exchange), I had used a Http URL Connection and for the second interaction I use a http redirect, which seems to have solved the purpose. However, I would certainly want to complete this
thread for my knowledge.
Tim Holloway wrote:The crossContext option should be less overhead, but as with all optimization tricks, you should first make certain that the loss in flexibility is going to be worth the risk.
This is the first time I am encountering the scenario of using crossContext and hence I am not of aware of the nuances if any. I have been searching in Internet including Apache website but nothing much to avail directly. All what I get is a precise info on the benefit of crossContext being set to true. Can you please help me out in understanding the flexibility loss that you had mentioned, along with the potential risks if any?
Tim Holloway wrote:I can only make a wild guess what might be going wrong lacking further details, but I'd suspect that the second request may not be happening under the context that you think it is.
I also had this doubt but could not complete the knots. When the first call is successfully made after obtaining the context to Server application, I am indeed obtaining the context of Client application to return the response. Do you mean to say, it is not actually happening? Let me try printing the context objects again to verify the same if it helps. Meanwhile, can you please give me any pointers on this?
Appreciate your support as always.