sequence.PPQ is always 0.0, because it's a static final field. The division type also can't be used to determine the length; it's a type, and 0.0 means the type is Sequence.PPQ.
But what's wrong with sequence.getMicrosecondLength()? It's not in ms but a factor 1000 more precise.
Rob Spoor wrote:But what's wrong with sequence.getMicrosecondLength()? It's not in ms but a factor 1000 more precise.
I suggested that getMicrosecondLength() is always getTickLength() * 1000 ;-)
(but if getResolution() == 384, it is not 120 beat per minute, is 115.2 - near value)
How to change content of file? IS example, but still problems?
What is velocity? beats per minute? why not 120 but 64? why ticks means not 1.3 millisecond interval but 0.5 second? How place shorter note?
How read instruments from file?
Sample code
reads MidiChannel from system (global?) not from file.
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