Dears ,
I have a
java application with many referenced libraries -(Apache POI some of them ) which I include in my build path.
All those libraries at my lib folder.
This code working correctly as expected from eclipse.
But it doesn't work when I have extracted jar file and try to run it from command line.
It throws below exception
Exception in
thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/poi/ss/use
This issue here that while I run the jar it doesn't see my libraries
Below my Jar where ReadExcelFileExample.class is the main class
I googled this issue and I tried the following and no one worked still give me the same exception :
1- Generate the MANIFEST while generating my jar to contains all the lib
2- java -cp ApplicationTest7.jar MyMainClass
3- java -cp "ApplicationTest7.jar;lib/*.jar" MyMainClass
4- java -cp "ApplicationTest7.jar;/lib/*;" MyMainClass
Am working on windows 7 and JDK / JRE 6
Please advice.