Trying to collect the broken pieces of my life,in the process of making out a beautiful picture out of it.
Sachin Tripathi wrote:Now if we see the quoted text,that what I found somehow not imparting its actual meaning, yeah surely you can have multiple java files with a single class or interface, but I think author wanted to convey that many classes or interface can exist in a single file.
Trying to collect the broken pieces of my life,in the process of making out a beautiful picture out of it.
Sachin Tripathi wrote:I think it would be great if we will have errata list for Mala Gupta too.As we already have one for k and B
As they are the 2 major books in this field.
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Other Certs: SCEA Part 1, Part 2 & 3, Core Spring 3, TOGAF part 1 and part 2
Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:In response to your question though, the book has an errata list maintained by the publisher.
Trying to collect the broken pieces of my life,in the process of making out a beautiful picture out of it.
Trying to collect the broken pieces of my life,in the process of making out a beautiful picture out of it.
Sachin Tripathi wrote:I will be adding to this post the errors (that are still not mentioned in the errata list managed by author) I will discover while reading Mala Gupta's OCA book,
I will request Roel ,Jeanne and every one on this forum reading Mala Gupta's OCA book to do the same.
Sachin Tripathi wrote:I was trying to change the subject to :Errata list of Mala Gupta's OCA Java SE 7
But was unsuccessful, if someone can help me with this.
Sachin Tripathi wrote:Reason:I find this incomplete,as nothing is mentioned about constructor (member of class),it is surely not a method or a variable.
Trying to collect the broken pieces of my life,in the process of making out a beautiful picture out of it.
Sachin Tripathi wrote:The problem is that there should be a chapterwise errata list (which should be managed by author)especially for books meant for particular exams(certification).
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Other Certs: SCEA Part 1, Part 2 & 3, Core Spring 3, TOGAF part 1 and part 2
Trying to collect the broken pieces of my life,in the process of making out a beautiful picture out of it.
Sachin Tripathi wrote:Yeah it exist but it don't have all possible errors or unclear sentences..So reader must be able to post the errors he feels,and author should include in errata list as soon as it is found genuine
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