What is new in this release?
Aspose development team is happy to announce the monthly release of
Aspose.Words for Java &.NET 15.7.0 . Here is a look at just a few of the biggest features and API changes in this month’s release, Added API to work with Themes, Allow inserting of TIFF images, API to change footnote/endnote separator, Improved footnote balancing, improved text wrapping around objects in footers, ternary raster operations for EMF/WMF rendering implemented, PDF background rendering improved, text with gradient fill rendering implemented and Japanese OTF fonts overlapping characters problem in rendered images fixed. This release has added basic API to access document theme properties. Aspose.Words now can determine actual color of text output that will be used for the “auto color” using the Font.AutoColor Property. It returns the present calculated color of the text (black or white) to be used for ‘auto color’. If the color is not ‘auto’ then it returns Color. When text has ‘automatic color’, the actual color of text is calculated automatically so that it is readable against the background color. As you change the background color, the text color will automatically switch to black or white in MS
Word to maximize legibility. This release implemented TextOrientation.VerticalRotatedFarEast property. It specifies orientation of text on a page, in a table cell or a text frame as following: Far East characters appear vertical, other text is rotated 90 degrees to the right to appears from top to bottom vertically, then left to right horizontally (tb-lr-v). This release added SaveOptions.UpdateSdtContent property. This option controls whether content of StructuredDocumentTag is updated before document saving. Default value is TRUE. The list of new and improved features added in this release are given below
- Added API to work with Themes
- Allow inserting of TIFF images
- API to change footnote/endnote separator
- Improved footnote balancing
- Improved text wrapping around objects in footers
- Ternary raster operations for EMF/WMF rendering implemented
- PDF background rendering improved
- Text with gradient fill rendering implemented
- Japanese OTF fonts overlapping characters problem in rendered images fixed
- Provide API to programmatically manipulate Themes
- How to get/set Shape height/width when it is in GroupShape
- Footnote Continuation Notice is not preserved when saving a document
- Support for MERGEBARCODE merge field
- Provide an option to suppress writing CSS style sheet to external file.
- Implement Run.GetAutoFontColorResolved to determine actual color of text output that will be used for the "auto color"
- Allow inserting TIFF images
- Allow changing footnote/endnote separator.
- Consider providing a one line method in the API for InsertDocument
- Implement Load and Save warnings for HTML/MHTML/EPUB formats
- Support TABLE.borderColor attribute import.
- Include version in the file name of the MSI
- Ternary raster operations work incorrectly
- Check if there are any restrictions on certificate usage when signing
- Transparency is lost when converting Emf to Png
- Rectangles appear on some characters after ODT to HTML_Fixed
- Support 'width' attribute of 'col' element in HTML import
- Checkbox states are not preserved during open/save a DOCX
- DocumentBuilder.InsertOleObject behaves differently for MPP files created with Aspose.Tasks
- Shadow looks bigger than should be when DmlRenderingMode.DrawingML is set as default.
- Improve horizontal rule support
- /footnote balance/ Footnote balancing is not perfect
- Portable implementation of SRC_PAINT ternary raster operation for EMF/WMF.
- Mention expandTableStylesToDirectFormatting in Working with Tables docs
- Mention in Docs that Aspose.Words uses "system property for temporary dir" upon rendering
- Japan otf font characters overlap in images.
- Missing wmf inside pict image.
- Missing underline in font rendered to pict image.
- Wrong number formatting in chart label.
- ChartSeriesCollection uses internal DataTime class in public API.
- Print quality via Aspose.Words library
- Text with gradient fill not saved in PDF output
- Line breaks at incorrect word during open/save a
- CheckBox is visible after re-saving
- Bigger copy of existing image appears after open/save a DOC
- ParagraphFormat and ListFormat attribute values are not presevred when importing Style to another Document
- ParagraphFormat attribute values are not presevred when importing Style to another Document
- Picture inside word document turns into black square after converting to PDF/A
- Textboxes are incorrectly converted to images in MHTML
- HTML multilevel list is improperly imported when list item is empty.
- Html to Word document conversion issue with Svg
- /negative page margins/ Content missing and many pages are produced in PDF
- Editable SDT is no longer editable in generaed DOCX
- Docx to Pdf conversion issue with multi lines Chinese text
- Font size is changed after conversion from RTF to Docx
- Footnote symbol turns into square box and Footnote marker is repeated twice
- Text is missing after conversion form Docx to Jpeg
- Saving Word document with a Textbox changes the Textbox's layout
- Charts are missing after re-saving docx
- Html to Docx/pdf conversion issue with Superscript
- The symbol(†) is missing after conversion from Doc to pdf
- Some document elements and Layout is not preserved during open/save an ODT
- Unexpected information is presented in Footer
- CellFormat.Orientation return incorrect value
- Texture fill effect renders different when saving to PDF
- Logo on top left of page is not rendering correctly in PDF
- SDT data is lost during saving to PDF
- Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException when reading HTML document.
- Watermark (shape node) is lost after re-saving Docx
- Doc to pdf/html conversion issue with list labels
- Update fields with "de-DE" culture doesn't work
- Convert RTF to PDF/RTF scrambles up document's paragraphs
- Page margins are changed after re-saving ODT
- Content position is changed after re-saving Odt
- Take in a count Dml textbox shape border width during rendering.
- Assert in LineReflower fires when the line starts with floating shape.
- Continuous Section break is converted to Section Break (Next Page)
- Document.GetPageInfo(0) goes into infinite loop
- Hand symbols inside Textboxs renderd upside down in PDF
- /tiff insert/ TIF image is too dark after inserting into a document.
- Rtl paragraph containing more than one inline element is imported incorrectly
- The field code of FormField is not changed after changing FormField type.
- Export table styles to HTML
Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release
Newly added documentation pages and articles
Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Words for .NET documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Words for performing different tasks like the followings.
- How to Manipulate Theme Properties
- Inserting Content Controls into a Document
Overview: Aspose.Words
Aspose.Words is a word processing component that enables .NET,
Java & Android applications to read, write and modify Word documents without using Microsoft Word. Other useful features include document creation, content and formatting manipulation, mail merge abilities, reporting features, TOC updated/rebuilt, Embedded OOXML, Footnotes rendering and support of DOCX, DOC, WordprocessingML, HTML, XHTML, TXT and PDF formats (requires Aspose.Pdf). It supports both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. You can even use Aspose.Words for .NET to build applications with Mono.
More about Aspose.Words
- Homepage of
Aspose.Words for .NET
- Homepage of
Aspose.Words for Java
- Download Aspose.Words for .NET
- Demos for Aspose.Words for .NET
Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Aspose - Your File Format Experts
[email protected]
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465