With spring security, I am having problem with the login process.
Technologies: spring security with j_spring_security_check, spring mvc 3+,
jboss 7.2.Final.
When click on the login button, it seems that the process stop at the first line of the function loadUserByUserName() funciton. Please refer to the attached code before.
Here is the debugging line jboss printed after clicking the login button:
Your help is very much appreciated.
jboss server log:
application log:
2015-08-29 13:55:35,421 [DEBUG] [http-/] CustomUserDetailsService.class - =======loadUserByUserName=====
2015-08-29 13:55:35,740 [DEBUG] [http-/] morfeusflex_client.controller.MainController - Received request to show login page