Hello. I have recently upgraded to Eclipse Luna. In my previous version of eclipse, I ran
Tomcat via the Tomcat "plugin". Using the plugin, it was easy for me to add eclipse
java projects to the Tomcat classpath. This saved me from having to create and export jar files to my WEB-INF/lib directories from the eclipse java projects. It also hot-loaded my changes of java and HTML files.
In the latest version of eclipse, Luna, I am trying to configure Tomcat to run in its "Servers" project. I have tried MANY configurations and various instructions to try and add my java projects to the Tomcat server classpath. I can get it to partially work. I can change java files in eclipse and see the changes, but ONLY after tomcat has loaded them from the jar first. Also, I used to be able to hot reload HTML files that are in the java project, now I cant seem to do that.
Here's what I am trying to get back to :
1) Use the java project instead of the jar file in WEB-INF/lib. In the old eclipse using the tomcat plugin I did not even need the jar file in WEB-INF/lib, it just knew to use my java project because it was configured on the tomcat classpath. Now, if the jar file does not exist, it never finds my class files in my eclipse project.
2) When I make a change to a java file, I should be able to immediately see the change take effect (when I refresh the browser for example).
Simply put, I want Tomcat to use my java project ALL the time, and never the jar file.
Has anyone had the same troubles, and if so any advice? Much appreciated.