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You are correct the source code for the book is not available. It's really important to type in examples and get practice for the cert. Chapter 10 is different. Being able to set up a database is not on the exam. Nor is knowing how to write or run SQL. In fact, you could get all the database questions on the exam correct without ever running
JDBC code. Of course, wanting to run examples and play with the methods is very reasonable so we made that a nicely
copy/pastable blog post. Once the database is set up, we are back to "there is value in you typing in examples"

There were three reasons we posted this on the blog:
So you can copy/paste the SQL! I fully anticipate the instructions will change over time or someone will have a question that makes it clearer. Having it on the blog lets us update as that happens It's a long book. Spending a bunch of pages for something not on the exam doesn't feel like a good use of space.
Also note that we keep the errata list
online as well.