I am new to Spring Annotations and
Angular JS. I am building an application using:-
1. Spring 4
Java based Configuration (Annotations)
2. Angular JS
3. eclipse
4. I am not using
maven or anything else for building the project.
I've created the following files:-
1. web.xml
-with SpringAppConfig.java defined in context param as contextConfigLocation
-with SpringConfig.java defined in init-param under DispatcherServlet definition as contextConfigLocation
2. SpringAppConfig.java //Code below
3. SpringConfig.java // Code below
4. FrontController.java
Now the problems are
1. When I run my application the index.html(created using angularjs) declared in welcome-file-list of web.xml is getting opened. But when I click on submit entering some details. it is not forwarding to either controller or to the path I defined in @requestMapping. I've got stuck and I don't know what exactly I am missing.
2. I am not getting the context path in my html page which I could easily by EL or JSTL in
JSP. What should I do to get the context path considering I am not going to use JSP at all.
I am new to both Spring annotations and Angularjs. Please help me to make this application work. Also please reply in case any other information is needed to answer this question. Thanks in advance.