I have decided to use the JForum and I have got a big problem. Maybe solution is easy and obvious, but I have no experience with it.
When I want to use JForum i have to download it and deploy on my server. I choose a database, type a password etc. But ... for example, when i want to restart my server I have to walk through installation process again. So I have to create new database, so I lose my data in DB, because JForum creates new, empty DB.
I want to use "old" (not empty) DB when I re-install my JForum. Can I do it?
I've tried export my DB before restart server, and then import it, but it doesn't work. (For example i can't log-in because password isn't correct (hash is changed when I did re-install).
I use
Wildfly server and PostgreSql DB.
Please, help me.