Hi everyone.
It seems like a tradition here so I'm going to give my experience of how I managed to pass the
test with a good score.
Study material :
- OCA: Oracle Certified Associate
Java SE 8 Programmer I Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-808 (
Available here)
- Enthuware tests (
Managed to do it in one week :
TUESDAY - Chapter 1 & 2
WEDNESDAY - Chapter 3
THURSDAY - Chapter 4
FRIDAY - Chapter 5 & 6
SATURDAY - Reviewing the mock tests from the book and the part I did not get at 100% + Took the two first tests of Enthuware
SUNDAY - Took Tests 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of Enthuware
MONDAY - In the morning, took the last test of Enthuware and at noon took the real Exam
I had to stay at home for one week because I was sick so I had the plenty of time.
Here's my feeling about the book :
- It is very clear, the chance of tooking mock tests at the end of each chapter is really helpful and the summary helps when reviewing time comes. But sometimes, you do not get as much as details as the test requires, but that is not a very big problem.
Here's my feeling about Enthuware tests :
- The Enthuware tests are really tricky and need 100% concentration when taking them. I think that if you have a avg of 70% on these, you can comfortably take the exam.
Here's my feeling about the real exam :
- I found the exam quite easy and not as tricky as the Enthuware exam (so they were a really good way of practicing).
I'm now looking forward to pass the 1z0-809 but am waiting for the study guide planned for december 2015 if I'm not mistaking.
Good luck if you plan taking it
