I've been having this problem for 3 weeks now concerning this app. Let me be as brief as possible.
I have 5 activities, ActivityA, ActivityB, ActivityC, ActivityD and ActivityE.
ActivityA contains my `CardView`s (5
cards), I put a
String extra in ActivityA. Below is a snippet of my code on how my String extra for each
cards in ActivityA should behave when they are called. I have initially set a final integer(querystring) in ActivityA in my `onBindViewHolder` to enable me call each cards;
TheViewHolder.imagee.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if (queryString == R.drawable.cardviewone) {
Intent intenting = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), ActivityB.class);
String one = "yesone";
intenting.putExtra("Fiveold", one);
} else if (queryString == R.drawable.cardviewtwo) {
Intent intenting = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), ActivityB.class);
String two = "yestwo";
intenting.putExtra("Fivenew", two);
} else if (queryString == R.drawable.cardviewdthree) {
Intent intenting = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), ActivityB.class);
String three = "yesthree";
intenting.putExtra("Seven", three);
} else if (queryString == R.drawable.cardviewfour) {
Intent intenting = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), ActivityB.class);
String four = "yesfour";
intenting.putExtra("Seven", four);
} else if (queryString == R.drawable.cardviewfive) {
Intent intenting = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), ActivityB.class);
String five = "yesfive";
intenting.putExtra("America", five);
} else {
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Application Runtime", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
The code above is working well. Now to ActivityB
ActivityB is made up of 2 `TextView`s and a `Button`.
below is my snippet
In my `onCreate` method here
Intent intent = getIntent();
String sms = intent.getStringExtra("Fiveold").toString();
String smss =intent.getStringExtra("Fivenew").toString();
Though both are field variables in my full code. Now to the `setOnClickListener` of the `Button`.
if (sms.equals("yesone")) {
Log.d("Readme", "Your message is " + sms);
if (typedText.getText().equals("Talk")) {
Intent intent = new Intent(ActivityB.this, ActivityC.class);
} else if (typedText.getText().equals("Write")) {
Intent intent = new Intent(ActivityB.this, ActivityD.class);
else if (smss.equals("yestwo")) {
Intent intent = new Intent(ActivityB.this, ActivityE.class);
Sorry this is taking too long, Now this code works well without the
String smss =intent.getStringExtra("Fivenew").toString();
When I insert the String smss in the else if statement, the code fails and points to that line! I tried changing my `getApplicationContext()` in ActivityA to ActivityA.this but it was showing an error so I couldn't proceed with getting the Strings from the other cards in ActivityA!
This is my logcat
My logcat talks about a null point exception error at the point I earlier discussed