Author/s : Al Sweigart
Publisher : No Starch Press
Category :
Review by : Vijitha Kumara
Rating : 8 horseshoes
Book composed of two main parts with the first few chapters introducing the Python basics and the majority of the book focuses on real world use cases.
In the first part while explaining language basics it also explains some of the fundamental computing/programming idioms along the way. Book uses simple but effective diagrams like flow charts and most of the code samples have been made easier to understand by ordinary computer users.
Here's the most interesting part of the book, Part 2. It contains lots of day-to-day use cases and how they can be implemented in Python -
pattern matching, working with different types of files, image manipulation and GUI automation to name a few.
Another notable thing is that at the end of every chapter you will find practice questions and projects which
test the content presented in the chapter. It also provides working instructions for various platforms like Windows, OS X and Linux as needed.
Although the book specifically targets general computer users rather than programmers it seems very much useful for beginners in programming as it talk about lot of practical aspects of programming.
Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the publisher for reviewing it on behalf of CodeRanch.
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