saravanan sambandam wrote:Is struts2 supports rest webservice?
My application was built on struts2 with rest webservice.
saravanan sambandam wrote:
I removed all the filters on web.xml which was mapped with the service. Then i tried to hit the url from rest client. Then it says no action is mapped with service.
saravanan sambandam wrote:Our requirement is -- those services need to consume by LDAP based authentication.
saravanan sambandam wrote:http://localhost:8080/Lottus/languageResource/ - when i hit this URL from browser, i am getting error message no action is mapped with this action. Could you please help me out to resolve this issue. Where i made the mistakes on above.
saravanan sambandam wrote:
I am new to strust2 framework and rest service is also new.
saravanan sambandam wrote: Link also provided - Mapping REST URLs to Struts 2 Actions
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