Andrei Paduraru wrote:Basically I have an array of hexadecimal numbers that I converted to decimal numbers and I want to add them in my linked list but I do not want to sort them in the array, I want them to be sorted in my LinkedList class when I call the method in my main class.
Well, there's a couple of things you could do to help things out:
1. Make your
Node class a
static nested class of your
LinkedList class. That way, your list class has access to its
private members. If you think about it, it actually makes sense because your
Node really only works with
your LinkedList class.
2. Add a 'tail' field to your list that points to the
last Node; or contains
null if the List is empty. Then your
add(Object) operation should work in constant time.
Alternatively, implement your list as a "ring" with an 'anchor'
Node that always contains
null as its "data" and never gets removed, which acts as the link between the last and first Nodes (or links to itself if the list is empty). Then you can
simulate an "add at end" operation with:
There are actually quite a few advantages to a ring implementation, which makes me wonder why it isn't taught more.
The other thing I would suggest: Write down every step of an insertion sort (if that's what you want to implement)
in detail and
in English (or your native language) before you write one line of it in your class.