Ears make packaging and deployment of
J2EE Applications easier (especially those using both EJB and Servlets/JSP).
If you are only doing Servlets/JSP then it may not make much of a difference. The real benefit is when you are using EJBs along with Servlets/JSP and possibly even connectors. In this case you can package all of your J2EE Components in one file instead of individually deploying numerous components separately and then dealing with the classloading issues among these components and other configuration settings.
For example, in WebLogic all war components have access to the ejb classes in the ear (because the war classloader is a child of the ejb classloader). Therefore, there is no need to package ejb-client jars in the war. Managing these classloading dependencies would be a pain if the wars were deployed separately.
Beyond this, packaging as an ear allows components to explicitly define dependencies to other components within the ear using the
Extension Mechanism Architecture. This makes sharing classes between the ejb tier and web tier possible without duplicating classes in multiple stops or resorting to putting classes on the classpath.
All of this hopefully allows us to develop and package a complete J2EE application in a vendor neutral manner, without the need of tens of pages of deployment documentation. Just drop in the ear and go.
Of course, the reality of the situation is that it is still very hard to achieve this. Classloading differenences in Application Servers make this nearly impossible. That however, doesn't mean we still shouldn't try.
Let me reiterate, for your specific situation packaging as an ear may not buy you much. However, there are situations where it is very beneficial.