Perseverance is best when informed.
A static website is no use unless she has content for it. Does she have content? What is the purpose of this website? How will it increase sales?
If the "site" will need a backend
Are you really sure she actually NEEDS a website? Or is it just because everybody else is online?
Similarly: What do you need an Android app for? Thats an even bigger ask IMO. And possibly even more "just because everyone else does"
"The good news about computers is that they do what you tell them to do. The bad news is that they do what you tell them to do." -- Ted Nelson
Tushar Goel wrote:Actually she is Chartered Accountant. Provide several services and having several government franchise...
"Leadership is nature's way of removing morons from the productive flow" - Dogbert
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Tushar Goel wrote:Hello Friends, Recently my sister visited our home and she requested small gift. She just started some business and wanted me to make some static website and android app for her
as she is short of money. I couldn't sya no to her but i don't know how to make a website. I am Junior Java developer mostly worked on server side.
With some google, i need to learn HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Wordpress for static website and android programming for android app. Can any one suggest what other things requires?
And she's short of money? Sounds oxymoronic to me.
Campbell Ritchie wrote:KT: welcome to the Ranch
Or we might never have existed at all. Freaky. So we should cherish everything. Even this tiny ad:
We need your help - Coderanch server fundraiser