Firstly, I've never heard of Symfony 2, but that's likely because I very rarely venture into PHP space.
That said, Spring Boot *is* opinionated when it comes to how to configure Spring, but is not opinionated with regard to how you use Spring. That's because as soon as you form a strong opinion toward one library, templating engine, or whatever, you shut out a lot of other options. Flexibility is the key.
Even so, there *are* more opinionated frameworks layered on top of Spring and Spring Boot. You mentioned Grails; Grails 3.0 is nothing but a layer on top of Spring Boot with an opinionated programming model around how controllers, models, and templates are created. There's also JHipster, an opinionated framework on top of Spring Boot that provides for how to build Spring apps with
Angular front-ends. Those are two that come to mind, but I'm sure there are more. (There's also Spring Roo, while not built on top of Spring Boot, is a layer on top of Spring itself that is very opinionated with regard to templating and model creation...and the use of AspectJ.)
I don't doubt the productivity you described with Symfony. But I could show you similar productivity stories in Spring Boot. In fact, I can easily imagine a rapid development of a large scale (>100 entities, using the metric you cite) app using Spring Boot + Spring Data JPA + Spring Data REST + Lombok and leaving the templating choice up to the developer (or pushing UI work into a JS framework such as Angular).
Having seen other threads where you've brought up the same question before, I'm not sure anything I've said will sway your opinion. And that's okay. You favor a strongly opinionated stack (which you can still build...explicitly or implicitly...on top of Spring Boot), whereas Spring and Spring Boot favor flexibility. At the end of the day, neither of us is wrong...we just differ in opinion.